¡Feliz regreso a clases! y cuéntanos qué leíste en vacaciones


El descanso siempre va acompañado de buenas lecturas: las que compramos durante los viajes o las que nos regalan los amigos o la familia.

Seguro que tenemos mucho qué contar de lo que leímos….

Anímense a dejar un comentario aquí con el título del libro, el autor y una descripción de la historia.

Luego pueden pasar a la Biblioteca y reclamar un obsequio de feliz regreso a clases.

75 comentarios en “¡Feliz regreso a clases! y cuéntanos qué leíste en vacaciones

  1. Hola a todos,
    Soy Adriana, la biblogtecaria.
    En vacaciones terminé de leer dos libros: El lejano amor de los extraños del colombiano Tomás González y Liberación del escritor húngaro Sandor Marai.
    El primer libro recopila varios cuentos que Tomás ya había publicado antes y otros nuevos. Al comienzo me atrapó el título del libro, sin duda muy poético. Además me gustó su portada, muy austera y sencilla, sin fotografía solo una pasta dura y verde (no es un comentario gastronómico). Varios cuentos me gustaron pero si tengo que resaltar alguno diría que el que lleva el mismo título es excelente.
    En la novela de Sandor Marai la protagonista Erzsébet muestra cómo es vivir escondida con mucha gente en la Budapest subterránea para huir de los fascistas húngaros y de la Gestapo. El encierro trae no solo desesperación y angustia sino además relaciones conflictivas. La historia ocurre durante la ocupación rusa en los días cercanos a la Navidad de 1944.

  2. En estas vacaciones leí un libro llamado La invención del amor del español José Ovejero. Un libro bastante extraño cuya trama parte de una llamada equivocada a media noche avisando de la muerte de una mujer. Samuel se entera así que Clara falleció, y a pesar que no la conoce, se siente parte de su vida. Pero reconstruir la vida de una mujer que nunca jamás se vio, de quien no se conocen ni sentimientos ni ideales, es como hurgar en la memoria de un edificio en ruinas. Samuel debe empezar por el accidente automovilístico y de ahí andar aleatoriamente para adelante y para atrás, preguntando y oyendo pero también imaginando, y así intentar dar, con su voz y creación, vida a una mujer quien, de por si, era una extraña para sus conocidos. Y en esta historia, Samuel termina mucho más cerca de Clara de lo que él imaginó.

  3. I read a lot over break, taking advantage of travelling to read, read, read, and read some more. I am a big baseball fan, so two of the books that I read were about Babe Ruth and the 1920s Yankees team. The first one was called «The Big Bam: The Life and Times of Babe Ruth» by Leigh Montville, and I learned a whole lot about this baseball player who is not only the most famous Yankee, but also one of the most famous players ever. Basically, it talked about how he began his life as an orphan (his parents were alive, but he lived in an orphanage in Baltimore). He loved life and would eat a lot, play a whole lot of baseball, spend a lot of money on cars, parties, and his clothes, and hit many home runs.

    The other book I read was titled «The House That Ruth Built: A New Stadium, the First Yankees Championship, and the Redemption of 1923» by Robert Weintraub. This book was interesting because I grew up going to this baseball stadium and did not know a lot about how it was built. I would recommend this book if you are interested in baseball or like historical accounts.

    Also, I am very excited to read about all the good books you all read and find some new interesting reads.

  4. Queridos compañeros los invito a retomar libros como el que leí en vacaciones, » doce cuentos peregrinos» de Gabriel García Márquez. cada cuento además de divertido, profundo y bién escrito nos invita a recorrer sitios y personajes de total interés y actualidad. Son doce cuentos al cual más mejor cada vez, los disfrute todos, sin embargo me atrapo uno que se llama «Solo necesito un teléfono» Una historia de una mujer que necesita realizar una llamada a su esposo para avisarle que su carro se ha varado y no llegará a tiempo a la cita, busca ayuda y es recogida por en medio de un tremendo aguacero – cualquier parecido con la realidad- por un transporte misterioso que la lleva a algo que inicialmente parecia un hospital y resulto ser un manicomio y el único argumento de esta mujer es, yo solo necesito una llamada telefonicamente, si quieres saber más de la trama quedan súper invitados a leer éste y mucho más…….animense..

  5. Hola Soy Joao, en estas vacaciones leí The Summer of Dead Toys escrita por Antonio Hill; un thriller detectivesco muy actual, que tiene como sede Barcelona, donde Hector Salgado, detective Argentino, que vive hace mas de 20 años en España y quien comete un error, al matar en un interrogatorio a un traficante de niños traídos desde Africa, es enviado a su país natal para no ser sentenciado por este crimen; después de 6 meses vuelve a Barcelona y le entregan el caso de Marc Castells, un adolescente de 19 años que pertenece a una de las familias mas adineradas en Barcelona y quien muere extrañamente por una caída desde el balcón de su cuarto, esto desencadena toda una red de mentiras y verdades, que involucran a toda su familia e igualmente a sus allegados quienes dicen quererlo. Todo ocurre y se resuelve en una semana, los mas interesante, su final, donde en 20 paginas el autor le da un vuelco total a las otras 333. Recomendadísimo.

    1. Hola Joao, Me parece muy chevere este libro y me encantaría leerlo. Después de leer muchos libros de «Nonfiction,» quiero un thriller y como me encantó Barcelona cuando yo fui hace algunos años y como tú hablas tan positivo sobre este libro, tengo ganas de leerlo ¿Tienes una copia que me puedes prestar de repente? ¡Mil gracias!

  6. Leí Memoria por correspondencia de Emma Reyes, la artista colombiana que vivió en París y que murió en el 2003. El nombre del libro se debe a que la autora cuenta su infancia en veintitrés cartas a su amigo Germán Arciniégas. Aunque las circunstancias que rodearon su niñez son tristísimas, el relato no carece de humor ni optimismo. Emma y su hermana, niñas abandonadas, van a dar a un convento en donde se come poco y se trabaja mucho y sobre todo, donde se esconde lo que una sociedad machista y prejuiciada prefiere ocultar. Emma Reyes es una narradora maravillosa que MUESTRA el mundo en el que vivió de manera sencilla y verdaderamente conmovedora. Me encantó.

  7. Alfredo Molano nos tiene acostumbrados a hacernos ver nuestro país desde la mirada de las víctimas del conflicto, dándoles voz a sus historias. En «Ahí les dejo esos fierros» no es la excepción. Se trata de 6 historias que amplían el panorama social colombiano dentro de un contexto marcado por esa realidad diaria que viven muchos de nuestros compatriotas, especialmente en el campo. La historia 5, titulada «hospital de sangre» da cuenta de un acto involuntario que termina en obediencia primero, y luego en desconcierto.

  8. yo me lei un libro q se trata sobre un niño q lo aplasta un tablero y queda muy flaco. entonces su hemano y el tienen una idea no tan inteligentes enviar a stanley a china y despues regresa.

  9. Yo me lei un libro sobre un niño que los papas tenian problemas pero al final se arreglaron. El libro se llamaba seis veces lucas.

  10. yo me lei en llamas de susanne collins.Se trata de que a katnnis la vuelven a llamar a la arena para participar en un escenerio muy particular.el escenario es un reloj lo cual ase que cada hora aya un fenomeno diferente.

  11. I read a book called » I am number four» by Pittacus Lore; its about a kid who comes from a planet called lorien that was destroyed by other a aliens named mogadorians. Only 9 survived and if mogadorians whan to kill them all they have to make it by an order they already killed number three and he is number four…….

  12. In vacation, I read a book called «Diary of a Wimpy Kid Cabin Fever.» It was about a kid, Gregg Heffley that always gets in trouble. My favorite part was when Gregg and his best friend Rowley, made two green posters in a school wall. It rained so the letters wiped off and in the wall were two green spots.

  13. I read a book named The accused by john grisham it is about a kid who always get attacked by some mysterious people. He and his uncle are always trying to find out who did it. He worked withe the police finally they discover who did it

  14. In vacations I read a book called fairy foals. This book is about a girl that one day was looking for something to draw in his garden and she finds the Fairy foals so every day she draws them and look at them in adventures. In his drawings he describe them and she put them names.

  15. I read a book called «The Scary House» by Maja von Vogel, it is about 3 boys that go in vacations to a mansion called The Marriot Masion, all people say that in the mansion were spirits of people that the owner of the mansion kill (she is already dead) Justus, Peter and Bob say that the spirits did not excists, but now the problem is that the billionary Lowel Castle is disappear, the 3 detectives need to find who did it and why. I hope that you guys read this book too, is the best book I ever read!

  16. I read a book called «The Wide Window» by Lemmony Snicket. It is about 3 orphans( Klaus, Violet, and Sunny)that have bad luck and missery. Their parents had a big fortune that is protected by a banker called Mr. Poe. In each story of this series called «unfortunate evnts» a man named Count Olaf try to steal the fortune with many different traps.

  17. Yo lei un libro de jessie haas que se llama saige se trata de una niña que se llama saigequey ellalucha para que a ya arte en el colegio .

  18. I read a book that was called the misty of chincoteague, it is about a girl that have a horse and she is trying to catch a phantom and then the girl forgot abut the phantom because she was with the hrse, then the horse had a baby and after 2 years the baby horse spread a buket of paint and in the place that the little horse spread , there was the phantom so the paint wash the phantom and every person culd see it so then the girl cath it.

  19. I read a book called the » The Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing» written by Judy Blume it is about a boy called Peter that has a little brother called Fudge whose all ways doing clumsy things. Peter is mad at fudge because their parents all ways pay more attention to Fudge than to him and Fudge is really anoying to Peter

  20. I read a book called spiderwick 3 Lucindas secret by Tony DiTerlizzi is about a girl called Lucinda that found a little «hada» so she dont want that any of her brothers knew tht so she tryed to keep her secret but one of her brothers found the «hada»

  21. I read a book called »The Return Of The Dragon» by Rebecca Rupp; it is about three brothers that go to an island and find a magic dragon living in a cave. They make friends of that dragon but have to protect him from crazy hunters that want to be rich. Could they save him?…

  22. The book is called spiderwick 3 lucinas secret and the book was writen by Tony DiTerlizzi .The characters were Lucinda, Jared Grace, Mallory, and Simon.The time of the story was tell in the teenage of the kids. The story is tell in a magical «city» called Spiderwick. The story was about Lucinda start to make a hike on the city and she start to find many magical creatures like unicorns fairy and that creatures start been frieds of the kids also any kid feel fear to the creatures. So on one hike she found many creatures and also she dont want that anyone els knew that part. So two days of the week Lucinda start goin to that place. But one day the kids start to follow Lucinda. And they discovered the creatures so the secret finished.

  23. I read a book call dork diaries tht is about a girl tht is new in a school and there is one girl named mackenzie that is her enemie and made her life impossible. but she also has two best friends chloe and zoe that cheer her up. And the main idea of the bookis that there is gonna be a dance and mackenzie is making her life impossible for to can not go to the dance.But at the end the prsons vote for her to be the swett princess.I RECOMEND THIS BOOK BECAUASE IT IS FUN TO READ .

  24. My vacation reading is called Fudge-a-mania a book from judy blume about the life of kid called peter and all his family having adventures that actually can happen in real life, like having to go to a girl’s house who is your enemy in Maine and having to survive her, Sheila and his small brother, Fudge.If you want some humor read it!

  25. Yo me leí el atlas esmeralda un libro de misterio , aventura y acción. este libro es sobre 3 niños huérfanos los cuales llegan a un nuevo orfanato en el cual ellos son los únicos niños en el barrio. el primer día se dedican a explorar y encuentran pasadizos secretos, escaleras subterráneas y lo mas importante un libro de color esmeralda que cambiara sus vidas para siempre .

  26. I read a book called diary of a wimpy kid rodrick rules. It is about two main characters called rodrick and Greg they are brothers. This book take place in the house of Greg. Once they were friends because of their parents but then they were by their own.

  27. I read a book called «The Warlock» by Michael Scott. This book is about two twins (Josh and Sophie) that have golden and silver auras. They were trained in the 4 elemental magics so they can defeat the Dark Eleders in their trys of conquering the Earth and other shadowrealms.

  28. José Miguel Merchán

    In this vacations, I read an amazing book of the author Roald Dahl from Wales, this book is called Charile and the chocolate factory. It’s about a little boy named Charlie that all his life, he has loved chocolate, each time in his birthday he received his favorite type of chocolate: The Mr. Willy Wonka’ s chocolate. He has an amazing and enormous factory in the city. One day he want to make 5 golden tickets to the city, whoever wins them, they will get the surprise to meet him plus the factory. When Charlie finds out he has one, he runs all over of the excitement. In this adventure he live many special moments he couldn’t forget. He will have all the chocolate he wants for his entire life until death.

  29. Katniss survived the Hunger Games. Now the Capitol wants revenge. It’s payback time, and her chance of survival is even slimmer than ever… After winning the brutal Hunger Games, Katniss and Peeta have returned to District 12, hoping for a peaceful future. But their victory has caused rebellion to break out – and the Capitol has decided that someone must pay. As Katniss and Peeta are forced to visit the other districts on the Capitol’s Victory Tour, the stakes are higher than ever. Unless they can convince the world that they are still lost in their love for each other, the consequences will be horrifying. Then comes the cruellest twist: the contestants for the next Hunger Games are announced, and Katniss and Peeta are forced into the arena once more…

  30. I read a book calld «diablo, the scale of serpents» by Blizzard Entretaining .The book was about a guy calld Ulldisil that lived in a world calld Sanctuary in witch by hate to the angels for a stupid reason he invoces the great diablo, the great demon King and the ouner of a dark and dark magic calld the scale of serpents. Sadly I dont know the end of a story because it was the second book of a trilogy but anyway it was a very good book and I recomended to eny one who likes to read about action and mistery

  31. In vacations I read a book called»diary of a wimpy kid roderick rules» written by Jeff kinney that in my personal opiniaon I didn’t enjoyed so much.This book have two main characters that are Gregg and his brother Roderick.this book takje place in the USA.The story is about a little brother that trys to get closer to his big brother in a cery funny way.

  32. This vacation I read a book named Journey To The Center Of The Earth written by Jules Verne . It is about a kid named Harry that goes to Germany to visit his uncle Dr. Harduigg. The uncle was doing a investigation of going to the center of the earth. Harry deduced the mystery so the go to Iceland. There they got a guide named Hanz that help them in all the trip. The rip was very difficult but the survive. The way to get out was more difficult but they did it. When they got out, lived normal like before.

  33. On vacations I read The Hobbit there and back again by J.R.R. Tolkien. This book takes place at Middle Earth. It is mainly about how the company of the dwarves, Bilbo, and Gandalf the Grey go on a journey across Middle Earth to recover the lost kingdom of Erebor, taken by the dragon Smaug, but they will find more trouble than the expect along the way.

  34. In this vacations, I read abook called Charlie and the chocolate factory. This book is about a boy named Charlie, he lives with is poor family at an old house. Charlie love chocolate with all his heart, and all his birthdays he recieves his favorite chocolate bar by willy wonka the world great inventor. One day willy wonka makes five golden tickets, these are hidden in Charlies favorite chocolate bars one day charlie wins a golden ticket so he has the oportunity to meet wonkas factory .

  35. I read a book called Middle School Wish Upon A Star and ist very funny and good for girls because i think the topic is not for boys and its about a girl and her best friend and tyhem are goin to organize the school dance and the gilr best friend the dad work on a company of artist and tahy love a artist aclad Cody Trounker so she asked her dad and the final is very interesting so i am not goin to tell it. So I really recomend this book to have fun wiht it

  36. In vacations I read a book called «the tiger rising» by kate DiCamillo, and it is about a boy named Rob who lost his Mom and move with his Dad to a new town, He was searching in the woods for something while waiting for the school bus to get him, when he found a large cage with a tiger inside. He had no friends until he found Sistine, a girl like him with no friends, Rob had an illness in his feet and the school principle took him out of school until he got okay. He had more time to spent with Sistine and with the tiger, that´s how he learned to express his feelings. Hi got ride of the sadness he had inside, they decided to set the tiger free and while doing that rob´s feet got better.I really recommend this book because it is very important
    to learn how to express your feelings to all people.

  37. Yo en vacaciones ella enchanted se trataba sobre una niña que cuando nace es victima de un encantamiento el cudofia galofre
    al era que tenia que obedecer todo lo que le dijeran entoses se enamora de un príncipe pero el tio del príncipe la obliga a matarlo pero ella vence el hechizo y se casa con el.

  38. In vacations I read a book named Cixi by Sean Price. It was about a woman who lived in China around 1850. She was married to emperor Xianfng and had a son named Zaichun. She killed her husband and oblied his brother to name her empress until Zaichun was 18. When Zaichun turned 18 and became emperor, China was in trouble with foregin power. Zaichun proposed to end everithing and let the foreginers into China. This outraged Cixi and months later Zaichun was found dead in the bottom of a well. Once more Cixi became empress but not for long though. Months after, Gong, (brother of Xianfeng) discovered that Cixi had a nephew. He turned the boy emperor and exiled Cixi from Bejing. She was swnt to Xian where she died 5 years later

  39. I read a book name Mr Popper’s penguins. It was about a man name Mr Popper that get a box with a penguin inside.The penguin get sick and mr popper get him a friend. The penguin get better and they have 10 sons. Then he has the idea to make the Popper performing penguins.

  40. In vacations I read a very funny and interesting book, named The BFG. It is written by Roald Dahl and treats about nine brute giants who travel to an specific country of the globe and eat people as their supper. The BFG, also known as the Big Friendly Giant and an orphan named Sophie try to stop them with the help of the Queen of England. It is a very nice book and I will like you to read it.

  41. In vacation I read a book called «The young man and the sea» It is about a kid named Skiff Beaman and his mom died so his dad (fisherman) is too sad to keep fishing in the morning and his boat sinks after many days without cleaning it. Skiff knows it will cost a lot to buy another one but there is an enourmus fish in the sea that no one could ever catch so he tries to catch it to win enough money to buy a new boat.

  42. This vacation I read a book called Lend A Hand. It is about helping pepople, how, when, and where.It teaches you many ways to help and to do some crafts. This book is amazing. It is fun to read. It is one of that books you start and cant stop reading. It teached me a lot of lessons and morals. It also has some real stories girls in the USA send to the auhor and she publishes in the book. Try to read it and tell me whaT YOU THINK OF IT. i HOPE YOU ENJOY IT!

  43. In vacation a read a book called Diary of a wimpy kid ( how greg hefly whent hollywood ) by Jeff Kinney .If you ever wondered how a movie gets made, you’re not not alone. Jeff Kinney didn’t know either, but when his bestselling series, Diary of a wimpy kid, was turned into a movie. In this book he write hw a book gets adapted into a major motion picture. When I read this book I understand how they choose the characters and plan the whole movie. The main characters of the movie are Dad (steve zhan) Mom (rachael harris) Rodrick (devon bostick) Rowley (robert) and the most importand Greg (zach gordon) .I think this book should readed Valentina Sanchez because she loves movies and one to be in one. I think this was a good book readed and tell me what you think abaut it .

  44. This summer I read a book like tomorow. It was about a girl that had many problems. The author is Judy Bloom. The book’s name is «here’s to you Reachel Robinson.» it happened in a casual day like today or tomorow. The main character is Reachel but there are many other important characters like Reachel’s brother Charles, her sister, or her 2 best friends. The main problem of the story was that Reachel many things to do but she didn’t had time to do them. Her solution was to choose only her favorite things to do. I didn’t like the book because it was very boring and disordered. In conclusion, I wouldn’t recomend this book ever

  45. In vacations I read a book called Judy Moody Goes To College. It is about a girl that is not so good at math. Her teacher tells her that she needs a tutor. At first she do not the idea of having a tutor, but when she finds out that her tutor is a college student she loves the idea. She is taking math clasess in college so now she thinks she is a college student. She starts aacting like a college sudent. At last she becomes the best in math in her class.

  46. Yo me lei el diario de Ana Frank. Este libro se trata de una niña judia que tiene que esconderse de los alemanes para que no la maten. Entonces Ana escribe en su diario sobre su escondite y como se siente y todo lo que esta pasando. Yo recomendo este libro porq es muy interesante saber sobre la dolorosa e infeliz vida q tiene Ana.

  47. this year i read a book named a light in the attic this is of poems and rhymes also some riddles i recommend you this book because is awesome

  48. El tango de la guardia vieja.
    Autor: Arturo Pérez – Reverte
    Narra la apasionada historia de una pareja durante más de cuatro décadas, en diferentes escenarios y ciudades como Buenos Aires, Niza y Sorrento. Los protagonistas son una mujer de clase alta, casada y un hombre de clase baja, se conocen en un transatlántico donde él trabaja como bailarín y ella viaja con su esposo.
    Es el primer libro que leo de este autor y me gustó porque todo el tiempo mantiene al lector interesado.

  49. I read a book named The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan.The book is about that three
    demigods(half mortal half god) go into a quest of saving the god Hera from the evil forces before its to late!!!This book is telled by the three demigods:Jason a son of
    Jupiter,the roman god of lighting,Piper daughter of Aphrodite, the greek god of love and Leo the son of Hephatus,god of forges and fire.In their quest they pass by many dangers…By then you should read the book!!!

  50. yo me lei mily molly hipnotism, y me gusto mucho porque es muy interesante como milly aprende aipnotisar. Estelibro se trata de una huerfana que odiaba a su directora de el horfanato. Entonces ella intento hipnotisarlay perimero empezo con su perro. Y si quieres saber que paso….. lee el libro y lo sabras¡¡¡¡¡¡

  51. In vacations I read a book called Scat by Carl Hiassen. It is about two boys, Nick and Marta that on a field trip to Black Vine Swamp, their most feared teacer, Bunny Starch, dissapears. They think Smoke, the class delinquent, has something to do. And he does!, but not as they think. And before trouble starts, they got to know an eccentric eco-avenger, a stuffed rat named Chelsea and a panther. Read the book and you will know more, much more!

  52. Lorenzo Cuccaro

    I read the book diary of a wimpy kid by Jeff Kinney and is about a kid that is being bullied and this year is the valentines day dance so he has to get a couple quick.this is the last book of the collection and its.called the third wheel. I recomended

  53. Dear reader,
    In vacations I read the 2 book of the collection “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” called Rodrick Rules. It is about how Greg Heffley’s older brother Rodrick bothers Greg and does whatever he wants because Greg’s summer vacations were as bad as hell and Greg did what he could to survive in them and Rodrick knows a little secret
    of Greg when he was in vacations, so Rodrick won’t tell anyone if Greg does what Rodrick wants. They mostly are in the house or in the school. There’s not a solution but Greg survives all about Rodrick.

  54. Jimena Ortiz commented on Álvaro Mutis, vida y obra en sus 90 años de edad

    In this vacation I read a book that is called » Three Cups of Tea» and the author is Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin. This book is about a man that is called Greg Morteson and he goes to the second highest mountain in the world ( K2 ). And he gets lost and goes into Pakistan, then he sees all that poor people and he knows he gotta do something. So he starts to build a school and im not gonnatell you more because i would ruined it. But as soon as you read this tell someone that you need to buy it. RIGHT NOW!!

  55. Yo en vacaciones me leí un libro en inglés que me pareció muy interesante que se llama All-American Girl.
    Se trata de una niña que se llamaba Samantha con una vida normal que no era nada popular. A ella le encantaba pintar y pintaba a famosos en una libreta. Ella tenia 2 hermanas. Una mayor que se llamaba Lucy y una menor (no me acuerdo del nombre). Un día, Lucy entró al cuarto de Sam y vio la libreta. La cogió, la miró y se la mostró a sus papás. Los papas la regañaron y le dijeron que tenia que tomar clases si tanto le gustaba pintar. Desde ese punto fueron pasando unos eventos extraordinarios que cambiaron su vida.
    A este libro de puntuación le daría 5 estrellas porque me pareció muy interesante, que describía bien la historia y me encanta el principio, el nudo y el desenlace (todo)
    Yo se los recomendaría si les gusta el romance y las aventuras que cambian la vida de las personas.

  56. yo en vacaciones me lei un libro que se llama un monton de problemas que se trata de una profesora que llega al colegiosan barnabas y que ella tiene poderes magicos y ayuda a enseñarle a los niños a de 3 a portarse bien por que ellos eran los mas traviesos de todo el colegio. desde que la profesora llego todo cambio al al director osea el señor gillberto estaba cambiando ahora no era un nudo todos estaban callados escuchando a serafina la magnifica osea a la profesora y las profesoras la señora hicksn y la señora puertos siempre dudaban de serafina

    a mi me gusto mucho este libro por eso se los recomiendo para que se lo lean y lo disfruten
    me parece que a ustedes le gustaria porque si les gusta la magia, el misterio y lo chistoso les va a gustar 🙂

  57. en vacaciones me lei un libro llamado Mujercitas me encanto porque te enseña muchas cosas se tata de cuatro hermanas muy humildes y todas las experiencias que ellas pasan.

  58. Yo en vacaciones me leí un libro llamado las dos vidas de Jérémie, el autor es Michélle Lagabríelle. Se trata de que en niño llamado Jérémie que es secuestrado por un señor llamado Jack que se lo lleva a su casa en la costa donde viven muchas aventuras.Con su perro Billy Boy Jérémie vivirá una vida «feliz» ?
    o solo se quedara pensando en regresar con sus padres?

    A mi me encanto este libro por sus aventuras,aunque el tema de un secuestro sea duro el libro es interesante y te lleva a no querer parar de leerlo.Yo se lo recomiendo a la gente que le guste leer.

  59. En vacaciones lei un libro q’ se llama «sopa de diamantes». Se trata de una niña q’ vive en argentina y se va a Capilla del Monte a pasar las vacaciones con su abuelo. Cuando llega, sale en las noticias q’ una enfermera del hospital local había sido asesinada. Como habían culpado a un amigo de su abuelo, el cual era inocente, decide encontrar al asesino. Descubre que el asesinato se relaciona con un diamante robado, y un inglés… Lean este libro si les gustan las historias de misterio. 😉😜😋😎

  60. En las vacaciones, yo me leí un libro llamado » El Safari de Los Monstruos » . Se trata de unos niños llamados Luc, Biggi y Patrick que están en un caso de un safari. Ellos van a el safari y ven raras criaturas, y empiezan a encontrar acertijos raros con palabras raras que tienen que descifrar. Después, ellos conocen a la hija del dueño del safari y ella les dice que el papa de ella se había muerto en un accidente. Después ellos descubren que el dueño del safari, no se había muerto y que los acertijos venían de un lugar donde el se encontraba vivo.

  61. During summer vacation me and my family read a book thats called Wonder written by R.J. Palacio. This book is about a kid that is ten years old and he is deformed. He has been home schooled his whole life and he is finally going to go to school. This book tells you if he is treated well or if he is hated.I like this book because if you stick up for a friend everything is better.You should read this book.

  62. On vacations I read a book called Catching Fire of Suzanne Collins. It´s about a girl who has gone into the Hunger Games some horrible games in wich The Capitol a cruel, powerful city that rules Panem (the country in wich they all live) forces children from 12 to 18 years to kill each other in a arena. She is free from going again inside. She tries to live happily again, but The Capitol hates her and she can´t keep from thinking about her experience in the Hunger Games. Meanwhiele horrible things happen all around Panem.
    I recomend this book for people who liuke action & mystery books.

  63. En vacaciones leí un libro que se llama «La sonrisa de mona ratisa». Se trata de un ratón (Geronimo Stilton) que es director de un periódico. Y el descubre que en un cuadro llamado la Mona Ratisa existe un misterio y el va a hacer todo lo posible para descubrirlo. Va a tener que seguir unas pistas, cada pista es una letra y tiene que encontrar todas para poder saber el misterio. Pero no puede hacerlo solo por eso invita a unos de sus amigos para que lo ayuden con la búsqueda. pero ellos no son los únicos que saben que hay un misterio. ¿podrá descubrirlo primero?.
    este libro me gusto porque cuando uno empieza no puede parar hasta el final. Lean este libro si les gusta el misterio!

  64. El libro que yo lei en vacaciones se llama Inferno y es de Dan Brown. Este es un libro muy recomendable, pues esta lleno de suspenso y accion. Uno no puede parar de leer el libro porque siempre se crea un suspenso enorme. Ademas, tiene un contenido histórico, que te permite aprender sobre importantes ciudades europeas y diferentes obras artisticas y literarias. Definitivamente es un libro muy recomendable que nadie se arrepentira de leer.

  65. Ender´´s Game is a book I will stongly recomend. This book is about a boy who livesin a society that only allows each family o have two children. As a matter of fact, Ender is a third and he is very strong and intelligent. The society asks enders} to work in the space and fight against some kind of alliens that what to take control of the Earth. In this place, Ender is the samllest kid but with effort and withhis talent he works his way through and destroys the alliens.

  66. Yo me leí en vacaciones el señor bello y el elixir azul y se trata de un perro que se toma un elixir azul y se transforma en humano.Yo lo recomiendo porque es divertido de leer

  67. Yo me leí Inferno por Dan Brown un libro sobre un profesor de artes y simbologia que se despierta en un hospital de florencia y se entera que bertrand Zobrist va a soltar una plaga para bajar el numero de la gente viviente y como el logra pararlo.

  68. En vacaciones me lei el señor norell por susanna clake este libro se trata de un mago retirado que vive en yorkshire y como el ayuda a Inglaterra en la guerra y logra que se vuelva a introducir la magia.

  69. This summer I read Coraline by Neil Gaiman. It is a book of the suspense and terror Coraline Jones finds when she opens a door in her new apartment. It appears to lead to just a brick wall, but what is really there is much more frightening: her other mother with button eyes; talking cats; glass marbles that contain souls; and a seeing stone, among many things. I would highly reccomend this book because it frightens, amuses and mystifies me even after I’ve read it a million times.

  70. En vacaciones yo me lei un libro de la coleccion de Percy Jackson y el ladron del rayo por Rick Riordan.Este libro se trata de como un nino, el hijo de poseidon rescata el rayo maestro el cual a sido robado.En compania de sus 2 amigos Anabeth y Grover van al inframundo a rescatar el rayo pero Percy tambien va con el interes de rescatar a su madre de las manos de Hades, hermano de su padre.

  71. hugo es un niño pobre que el papa se le murio el papa era inventor in creo un niño que escribia Hugo busca como prender la maquina poque solo se prende con una llave hugo la busca por todas partes Hugo robo alginas cosas cuando la logra prender se asonbra por que lo que escribe es un mensaje

  72. Over the winter break, I read The Death Cure, a science-fiction novel, written by James Dashner. This is the last book of The Maze Runner Trilogy. It tells about the last trial that 40 teenagers have to face in order to get the cure for the Flare, a deadly virus that attacks a special area in the brain, called the killzone, and slowly drives people insane. Before this, the teenagers (originally 120 of them) faced another two phases of the experiment planned by a global organization, called WICKED*, in order to test their killzone’s patterns and find a cure for the Flare.

    The first one of the trials was the maze trial. It consisted of two separated Mazes without a visible exit, each of them with an enclosed area in the center with food, a building with several rooms, and animals. This area had four massive exits to the maze that only opened during daytime, because outside the maze, there are plenty of these terrifying creatures made up of metal that only come out in night time. One of the mazes has only boys, that show up to the maze once a month and the last to come up is a girl instead of a boy. The other maze is the opposite. It has only girls
    that show up once a month. The last is a boy.

    After both groups find a way out of their respective mazes, they’re enclosed in separate rooms for a couple of days, and after that, they’re taken to Phase Two: The Scorch. The scorch is an open area, with an infernal heat, and in order for them to pass this trial, both groups have to advance 100 miles north in two weeks, and a terrible weather of course. In this trial, lots of betrayal takes place, between the two groups, now that it’s the first time they interact between each other. After they end this trial, they’re taken to WICKED’s headquarters, where phase three starts…

    Read the book (or the trilogy) if you’d like to know about it.

    *Stands for World in Catastrophe – Killzone Experiment Department

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